I was contacted by António Monteiro, about his work on this newsletter. This huge work is an excellent initiative and it must be known by the maximum shell collectors. Inorder to reach more collectors, I decided to include files (with the agreement of António) on Seashell-collector.com. http://www.theconecollector.com/  Write to author : a.j.a.monteiro@netcabo.pt

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The Cone Collector N°32

Size : 4.50 Mo

The Cone Collector N°31

Size : 4.45 Mo


The Cone Collector N°30

Size : 2.8 Mo

The Cone Collector N°29

Size : 2.9 Mo
The Cone Collector N°28

Size : 1.7 Mo
The Cone Collector N°27

Size : 0.7 Mo
The Cone Collector N°26

Size : 16.5 Mo
The Cone Collector N°25

Size : 9.3 Mo
 The Cone Collector N°24A

Size : 7.8 Mo
The Cone Collector N°24

Size : 6.0 Mo
The Cone Collector N°23

Size : 6.0 Mo
The Cone Collector N°22

Size : 2.8 Mo
The Cone Collector N°21

Size : 3.0 Mo
The Cone Collector N°14A
SPECIAL EDITION°: Danker L. N°. Vink's
The Conidae of the WesterN°Atlantic

Size : 6.2 Mo


The family Conidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) has always beeN°one of the most popular among collectors, along with others such as Cypraeidae, Volutidae, Muricidae, Pectinidae, etc. It comprises a large number of species that so far have beeN°usually included iN°the single genus Conus Linnaeus, 1758, despite several attempts to separate it into a system of different genera and subgenera, whichhowever have not beeN°universally accepted.

It should also be noted that iN°a recent (2005) work, ClassificatioN°and Nomenclator (sp?) of Gastropod Families, Bouchet and Rocroi included the subfamilies of Claturellinae, Conorbinae, Mangeliinae, Oenopotinae and Raphitominae iN°the Conidae. These subfamilies were previously included iN°the family Turridae. Nevertheless, most collectors of Cones will most probably restrict their collections to those species so far attributed to the genus Conus alone. Many such collectors are iN°touch with one another, either iN°persoN°, through correspondence or, more recently – and ever more frequently – through e-mail. The large number of species of Cones and the continuous publicatioN°of new papers, either describing new taxa or discussing existing ones, makes it some times hard to follow everything that is pertinent to the study and collectioN°of the group. For this reasoN°, it was felt that aN°informal newsletter exclusively dedicated to Cones, to be distributed among all interested parties – collectors, researchers and dealers – could have some utility as a means of circulating news and informatioN°among all. With this is mind, we present to you the first issue of The Cone Collector. This is to be thought of as a trial issue, sent to a number of friends and collectors around the world, mainly to give everybody a general idea of our aim.

Any suggestions as to form and content will obviously be very welcome
António Monteiro

I write articles regulary in the french XENOPHORA journal , published by the A.F.C and more recently in the excellent online newsletter dedicated to cones The Cone Collector.
N°027 Conus regius From Martinque :
A Magnificent and Very Variable Species
Pages 62-75
N°026 Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (Martinique & Guadeloupe) Pages 62-75
N°026  Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (French Polynesia) Pages 54-61 
N°025 Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (Seychelles) Pages 09-21
N°025 Cone Snails Regional Iconographies French Polynesia) Pages 37-42
N°024A Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (Mauritius) Corrections Pages 05-23
N°024A Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (Mayotte) Corrections

Pages 24-35

N°024 Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (Mauritius) Pages 65-87
N°024 Cone Snails Regional Iconographies (Mayotte) Pages 88-97
N°023 VENOMICS : Collecting in Frecn Polynesia Pages 07-32
Voyage to the Seychelles
VENOMICS : Collecting in Mayotte
Hunting For Conus legatus
Conus episcopatus from Indian and Pacific Oceans
Seychelles: revisiting a beautiful local variation: C. gubernator leehmani
Download 192 Ko
A most distinctintive specimen of Conus regius... or beginner's luck !
Download 229 Ko
Night Dive at Tahiti, A Little Luck Does Not Hurt...
Download 71 Ko
Night Snorkeling In The Grenadines - A Blessing
Download 329 Ko
C. gubernator f. Leehmani Da Motta & Röckel, 1979, in the Seychelles
Download 205 Ko