I decided to write this article, due to my anger over the disappearance
of our seashells...
A strange phenomenon must have happened here, but which one ?
course, everywhere around the world, in any place, shells are
less abundant than before.
When I first came here in August 2002, I could find regular species,
even if the locals and the local collectors said that shells were
now not so easy to find. It seems that 2003 was fine too, then
2004, was the year of the real disparition of our seashells...
are now in January 2005. When I snorkle along the different reefs
of the island of Moorea (next to Tahiti, where I live) I
do not find seashells anymore. The dominent missing family
is for sure the cowries' one. I find nothing else than C. obvelata...
and this one is not as commom as before. In 2002, while searching
for coneshells, I regularly encountered classic species like Cypraea
isabella (=controversa), Cypraea carneola, Cypraea
moneta, Cypraea caputserpentis, Cypraea maculifera, Cypraea fimbriata
and some other commom species. In 2005, I rarely find anything
else except Cypraea obvelata. I saw one Cypraea poraria
and one very small Cypraea isabella during many hours of
shell hunting.
sounds incredible, but if you ask me to collect a Cypraea caputserpentis,
I cannot promise to bring one back to you.
the Cypraeidae family is not the only one in that case.
It seems that all reef species have been touched by this strange
phenomenon. The only cone shells that I have seen recently are
the very common ones like C. Lividus, C. Flavidus, C. Sanguinolentus,
C. Frigidus and a few Conus textile. When I look under
dead coral plates, now I do no not see any shells underneath,
even common ones such as the Mitra Cucumerina, for example.
are some exceptions though. First of all, this disaster does not
seem to affect the Tuamotu and Marquesas Islands. Shells are still
abundant there. Also, the shells living in the sand are not really
touched by this problem. Maybe by the fact that they usually feed
on small sand worms. The chain is not destroyed until the worms
disappear (chain : Molluscs eating worms which are eaten by other
molluscs etc...). So it seems that only the reef's chain is broken.
you know the facts.
this disappearance was quite fast ! Only a huge disaster can cause
such a phenomenon, like local pollution, huge temperature variation,
or whatever else.
But if shells really died all at the same time, we should have
seen them during 2004, thousands of empty
shells would lie along the reef and in the lagoons...
This did not happened.
This case happened in Martinique though, some years ago, where
divers found hundreds of dead Conus ermineus while diving, especially
around the Diamond Rock diving spot. Since then, this specie has
become extremely rare there. But this touched only one specie,
we can imagine if it had touched all families...
why I choose the word "hiding" for my title... Where
in the blazes are our seashells ?
Of course, I have no answer to this problem. Maybe seashells will
come back as fast as they disappeared. If
some of you have any idea or heared some similar stories mail
me and I'll publish your text below this one. One thing
is actually true, keep your shells from Tahiti (like Cypraea
cumingii), you might not see so many fresh specimens on the
market in the upcoming years...